Youth Advocate Program
Day One trains middle school, high school, and college students to be positive role models, ambassadors for healthy lifestyles, and informed and engaged members of their communities. Based on the social influence model, which has been determined by CSAP, NIDA, OJJDP, & US Department of Education as an effective prevention approach, youth are educated about public and community health issues - such as understanding the health impacts of poor diet, alcohol/drug use, and sedentary lifestyles - and how to effect positive, lasting change in their communities. Our program also covers techniques to resist social pressures, support others in making healthy choices, and determining positive alternatives. Youth are recruited from schools, youth groups, parks, recreation centers, parent-referrals, community organizations, and community events. The function of this program is to promote healthy lifestyles, advocate for social justice issues, and facilitate youth voice in community decision making, thereby empowering them as powerful catalysts for change within their respective social circles and communities.
What Do Youth Advocates do?
Youth Advocates plan activities throughout the year to give back to the community.
Stand Up! The Youth Advocates make their voices heard on a wide range of health and social justice issues, in a peaceful, effective and socially-responsible way.
After going through a comprehensive training program, Youth Advocates are able to develop and give presentations on health issues. We travel to schools, community organizations, recreation centers and other locations to educate the community about current health issues.
How do I join the Youth Advocate Program?
Join the nearest Youth Advocate meeting near you!
*must be between the ages of 12-18
Pasadena Meeting location:
175 North Euclid Ave, Pasadena CA 91101
Meeting every Wednesday, 4pm-5:30pm
For more info contact:
Jennifer Jimenez | Jennifer@godayone.org
El MonteMeeting location:
El Monte Aquatic Center
11001 Mildred St., El Monte CA, Room D
Meeting every Tuesday, 3:30pm-4:30pm
For more info contact:
Jennifer | Jennifer@godayone.org
Pomona Meeting Location:
Start Date: September 15, 2021
Cafe Con Libros
280 W 2nd St, Pomona, CA 91766
Meeting every Wednesday, 4:30pm-5:30pm
For more info contact:
Marcos | Marcos@godayone.org