Youth Master Plan
The Youth Master Plan provides a blueprint for Pasadena as it seeks to create a community where youth are seen as assets and thus are able to thrive and reach their full potential. The Plan aspires to maximize taxpayer and private investment and to improve outcomes for all youth regardless of where they live and what schools they attend.
The Plan envisions a Pasadena with youth-serving culture that is more than the sum of its parts—a city where each program and initiative collaborates to boost outcomes for individual children and families, while creating a culture of safety, of social and civic engagement, and of academic and vocational aspiration. Based on tremendous youth input and participation, a set of Guiding Principles were crafted by the Planning Team to create a vision for what our community will look like once the plan is implemented. These principles focus on all young people from birth through 18 who reside in the city of Pasadena.
The Vision
The Vision is centered on the idea that “All of Pasadena’s children and youth can succeed today and tomorrow.” So often, a vision focuses on a future outcome; however, it is important to note that many of the young people who participated in the process asked that everyone remain mindful that succeeding today is also important. The more the YMP Planning Team discussed the barriers to progress from the community’s perspective, the more evident it became that the Team needed to identify a set of guiding principles to complete this work. Community members wanted to make certain that the team would craft a plan that focuses on all young people from birth through 18 who reside in the city of Pasadena.